Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Free weight exercise alternatives to popular exercise machines (part 1): leg press

The leg press is the most popular leg machine in the gym, hands down. You might see a few different variations but all leg press machines essentially work the same muscle groups - quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. I can appreciate that the leg press has its place in some circumstances but it's impossible to deny the overall better strength and fitness value of free weight leg exercises such as the squat. Free weight leg exercises provide a wider range of fitness benefits and serve a far greater functional application. In the first part of this series we will take a look at the leg press machine and what it is not able to offer you, introduce the dumbbell squat and barbell squat and explain why these free weight exercises are much better options.

Swap out: leg press

45 degree leg press

I have trained many people who have previously trained with other personal trainers. I always find it amazing when I discover they have mainly or only used leg machine exercises in their training program - most commonly the leg press. Without technique coaching this could be excused but with the assistance of a personal trainer it's completely unacceptable. Free weight leg exercises should be introduced from the very early stages of an exercise program and form the foundation of all strength training.

It doesn't matter how much leg strength is developed using the leg press machine, without hip stability or core strength it's redundant. It is not uncommon for me to start with new clients who have been able to leg press 200kg, 300kg + but lack the hip stability, core strength and coordination to perform a light squat correctly. The leg press machine fails to deliver these fitness benefits and a number of others.

Swap in: dumbbell squat or barbell squat
The dumbbell and barbell squat provide all the benefits that the leg press offers plus a whole lot more. Additional strength and fitness benefits of these free weight leg exercises include:
  • development of hip stability
  • development of core strength and stability
  • greater range of motion which results in greater muscle activation and recruitment
  • unrestricted movement path which reduces the risk of injury
  • greater coordination development
  • greater functional application to sports and daily activities 

Making the easy swap from the leg press to the dumbbell squat or barbell squat appears to be an obvious smart decision. Given this, why does the squat rack barely get used while the leg press has people queuing? Break the trend - next time you go to sit on the leg press machine consider picking up a dumbbell or barbell instead. Not only will this offer you greater fitness benefits but you will enjoy the training variation and the added challenge of mastering a truly beneficial exercise technique.

In the next part of this series (part 2) we will look at free weight alternatives for the lat pull down - Free weight exercise alternatives to popular exercise machines (part 2): lat pull down.

Related articles: Getting back to what works - free weights | Body weight training: benefits, basic techniques & workouts | David's 5 favourites: exercises

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