Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lower Body Strength (Speed) & Monostructural Continuous Training

Workout 1

1. Back Squat
Working up to 8 sets x 2 reps done on the minute at 60% max single (5 warm up, 5 warm up, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2 as explosive as possible)

2. Dead Lift
Working up to 8 sets x 2 reps done on the minute at 60% max single (5 warm up, 5 warm up, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2 as explosive as possible)

3a. Stiff Leg Dead Lift
15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 15-20
3b. Dumbbell Step Up
15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 15-20 each leg

4a. Standing Barbell Calf Raise
15-20, 15-20, 15-20
4b. V Sit
15-20, 15-20, 15-20

Workout 2

40-45 mins continuous

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Upper Body Strength (Max) & Continous Circuit Training

Workout 1

1. Rack Lock Out (High)
Working up to 3 x Max Single (warm up 5, 3, 3 then 1, 1, 1)

2a. Bent Over Row

5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10
2b. Incline Dumbbell Press

5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10

3a. Barbell Bicep Curl
5-10, 5-10, 5-10
3b. Barbell Tricep Press
5-10. 5-10. 5-10

Workout 2

10min Continuous Circuit

3 Wall Ball

3 Kettlebell Swing
6 Wall Ball
6 Kettlebell Swung
9, 12, 15...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Lower Body Strength (Max) & Monostuctural Interval Training

Workout 1

1. Low Pull Dead Lift
Working up to 3 sets x 1 rep max (warm up 5, 3, 3 then 1, 1, 1)

2a. Back Squat
5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10
2b. Good Morning
5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10

3a. Standing Barbell Calf Raise
5-10, 5-10, 5-10
3b. Weighted Sit Up
5-10, 5-10, 5-10

Workout 2

5 Intervals
250m Row
1min Rest

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Monostructural Continuous Training & Continuous Circuit Training

Workout 1

40-45min continuous

Workout 2

10min Continuous Circuit
5 Hand Stand Push Ups
10 Chin Ups (kipping)15 Squats

Friday, February 15, 2013

Upper Body Strength (Speed) & Monostructural Interval Training

Workout 1

1. Bench Press

Working up to 6 sets x 3 reps done on the minute at 50% max single (5 warm up, 5 warm up, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 as explosive as possible)

2a. Dumbbell Chest Press
15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 15-20
2b. Dumbbell Single Arm Row
15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 15-20 each arm

3a. Dumbbell Bicep Curl
15-20, 15-20, 15-20 each arm
3b. Tricep Push Down
15-20, 15-20, 15-20

Workout 2

3 Intervals
1000m Row
3min Rest

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lower Body Strength (OLY) & Monostructural Continuous Training

Workout 1

1. Squat Clean
5, 5, 5, 5, 5 (focus on technique)

2a. Stiff Leg Dead Lift
15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 15-20
2b. Dumbbell Step Up
15-20, 15-20, 15-20, 15-20 each leg

3a. Standing Barbell Calf Raise
15-20, 15-20, 15-20
3b. V Sit
15-20, 15-20, 15-20

Workout 2

40-45 mins continuous

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Interval Circuit Training

Workout 1

3 Round Interval Circuit 
200m Row
1min Rest
30m Prowl
1min Rest
100 skips
1min rest

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Upper Body Strength (Max) & Continous Circuit Training

Workout 1

1. Rack Lock Out (Low)
Working up to 3 x Max Single (warm up 5, 3, 3 then 1, 1, 1)

2a. Bent Over Row

5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10
2b. Incline Dumbbell Press

5-10, 5-10, 5-10, 5-10

3a. Barbell Bicep Curl
5-10, 5-10, 5-10
3b. Barbell Tricep Press
5-10. 5-10. 5-10

Workout 2

10min Continuous Circuit

5 Squat Clean
3 Hand Stand Push Up